Gas-shielded containers

Patent Name Gas Shielding Container Patent Applicant Mitsubishi Gas Chemicals Co., Ltd. Principal Applicant Address Tokyo, Japan Inventor Xiaogang Koizumi; Takaaki Kiyoshi; Katahara Hideta Application (patent) No. 03814862.5 Date of Application 2003.06.24 Certification Date Approval Notice No. 1662425 Auditing Announcement Date 2005.08.31 Manual CD-ROM D0535 Main Classification Number B65D65/40 Classification Number B65D65/40; B32B27/38 Distribution Original Priority No. 2002.6.25 JP 185151/2002; 2002.6.25 JP 185154/2002 Digest One A gas-barrier container having at least one gas-barrier layer, characterized in that the gas-barrier layer is made of a cured epoxy resin that is cured by containing mainly an epoxy resin and an epoxy resin The epoxy resin composition of the agent is obtained by curing, and the cured epoxy resin contains the skeleton structure of Formula (1) in an amount of 30 wt % or more. Due to the use of non-halogenous gas shielding materials, gas-barrier containers exhibit high gas barrier properties and low environmental impact, and are advantageous in terms of economic efficiency and workability of their production process, and adhesion strength between layers. It is also superior in gas barrier properties, impact resistance, and distillation-proof purification properties under high-humidity conditions, and thus can be used as a food and beverage container, a pharmaceutical packaging material, and the like. Sovereignty item 1, a gas-barrier container containing at least one gas barrier layer made of a cured product of an epoxy resin, wherein said epoxy resin cured product is mainly composed of an epoxy resin and an epoxy resin. The curing agent is formed by curing the epoxy resin composition, and contains a skeleton structure represented by the following formula (1) in an amount of 30 wt% or more: International Application PCT/JP2003/007977 2003.6.24 International Publication WO2004/000681 Date 2003.12.31 Date of entry into the country Patent agency China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Patent and Trademark Office Agency address Ren Zonghua

W Section Pales Palisade Fence

A Palisade Fence is a type of fence made up of vertical metal posts, called palisades, that are embedded into the ground. The palisades are typically pointed at the top to deter climbing or scaling. This type of fence is often used for security purposes, as it provides a strong physical barrier that is difficult to breach. Palisade fences are commonly seen around commercial properties, industrial sites, and high-security areas.
palisade fences are commonly used for residential, commercial, and industrial purposes due to their strength and ability to withstand harsh weather conditions.

W Section Pales Palisade Fence,Cast Iron Palisade Fence,Palisade Fencing,Palisade Fence


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