Almost every commodity in modern society must pass the test before it can enter the market. Its purpose is to ensure product quality. So, packaging is not only a kind of commodity but also a special commodity that plays a role in protecting other commodities. It should also receive the same attention. Moreover, since there is a close relationship between the packaging and the product in the actual commodity purchase and sale, there is no overall performance test of the package before transportation, and the risk of product damage due to lack of protection in the transportation environment will be greatly increased.
In recent years, with the development of the e-commerce industry and the increase in the number of online shopping, pre-shipment testing of individual packages has become more important and must be taken seriously. According to the 2006-2008 China E-commerce Industry Survey and Investment Consultation Analysis Report, China’s e-commerce transaction volume reached 740 billion yuan in 2005, and will continue to grow at a rapid and steady rate of around 50% annually in the next few years. "Similarly, according to the 2006 China Online Shopping Survey, it was proposed that "in 2006, there would be more than 4 million people shopping online in Beijing, Shanghai, and Shanghai alone."
So how does e-commerce and online shopping make pre-shipment testing of individual packages more and more important? What is the relationship between them?
Online transactions on the Internet will inevitably drive more and more individual packages to be transported separately, rather than the traditional collective package transport. This change from a collective package to a single package will bring about significant changes in the way products are transported. For example, a collective package is generally loaded with trucks and full-vehicles are transported, and individual packages are shipped directly to the end-users through small packages. Then the entire transportation environment will change, the environmental hazards will be different, and the transportation methods will be different. Therefore, the requirements for packaging must also be changed.
In addition, online shopping and other online transactions have also made packaging a factor that affects customer satisfaction. Because a package reaches consumers through transportation, consumers will judge the quality of products based on the integrity of packages. Transporter's level of transportation, manufacturer's image, etc. Whether the packaging is good or bad may allow consumers to decide whether they want to shop through the same channels.
So, how can we ensure that the packaging meets the transportation requirements and can also represent product quality and transportation service levels? The answer is to conduct pre-shipment testing. Through pre-shipment testing, you can find potential problems that cause damage, and ultimately predict how the package will perform in transit. So, what kind of test test is best? The answer to this question depends on many factors, such as the scope of application of the experiment, the characteristics of the package, and the mode of transport.
According to a survey conducted by some of the ISTA's China Certification Laboratories, approximately 60% of the ISTA tests completed by them are non-simulated tests. The purpose of the test is to detect severe package damage. The most non-simulated test done so far is 1A of ISTA, which accounts for about 60%. Half of the laboratories pointed out that more than 50% of the test objectives are to predict the performance of individual packages in the actual transport environment. For the standards used in this part of the laboratory, ASTM D4169 is also the most commonly used simulation test standard, while ISTA3A only accounts for 15% of the standard used in general simulation tests. However, 54% of laboratories indicated that the purpose of the test was to use ISTA1A when predicting the performance of the package. This also explains why 18% of the labs indicated that the tests they performed were not effective in achieving test objectives. Because ISTA1A is a non-analog performance test standard. It was not intended to provide the laboratory with a simulation of the real environment and environmental damage. Using the ISTA1A standard to predict the performance of a package sometimes does not allow the user to achieve the test purpose.
Although the general simulation performance test is not perfect, but it can indeed help users better predict the performance of the package. General simulation performance tests help design JustRight packaging. The so-called JustRight packaging is the packaging to provide the most suitable protection for the product, as far as possible to achieve a reasonable level of product packaging.
ASTMD4169 is a general analog performance test standard with a history of more than thirty years. It has a long history, which may be why it is used more often than the ISTA general analog performance test standards. However, the content of ASTM D4169 is relatively old, and the interpretation of this standard is not uniform. In addition, this standard is not easy to use and trace. To this end, a technical committee of ASTM also started to revise the contents of the individual packaging transport environment. The direction of revision is closer to the current environmental conditions and the outlook is very optimistic.
Although ISTA's general analog performance test standards have not been as high as the use of similar ASTM standards, the quality of ISTA's general analog performance test standards provided to users is very high. At present, there are many new changes in the new ISTA3 series of standards (including ISTA3A, ISTA3E, ISTA3F, and ISTA3H) in 2008, including layout changes and technological changes. Because the ISTA3A standard is used more frequently than several other 3 series standards, ISTA bases this on The standard user feedback information and suggestions are more improved and improved. With the launch of the ISTAResourceBook this year, it can be seen that the ISTA has made great efforts in the revision of the 3A standard, and its development direction is gradually getting rid of the constraints of ASTM's similar standards. One of the performances is to begin to apply a large number of random vibration patterns (including 2C, 3E, 3F, and 7C) collected by themselves, specifically to the 3A standard that is not more than 70kg packages. This year's improvements include the vibration load requirements. The determination of load values ​​in the vibration test is also subject to major adjustments. In addition, two new conditions of temperature and humidity have been added to refine the simulation of the transport environment of individual packages.
The ISTA3A standard is very practical for the increase in the transport volume of individual small parcels. The reason is also that this standard classifies the size and weight of packages that are smaller than 70 kg suitable for small parcel shipments. Divided into:
1. Small parts: The volume is less than 13000cm3, the longest side does not exceed 350mm, the weight does not exceed 4.5kg.
2. Flat parts: The shortest side does not exceed 200mm, the shortest side is 4 times or more the length of the shortest side, and the volume is not less than 13000cm3.
3. Long conditions: The longest side is not less than 900mm, and the length of the other two directions is not more than 20% of the longest side.
4. Standard parts: Any package that does not meet the definition of small parts, flat parts and long conditions is a standard part.
For courier companies that have extensive access to packages of various sizes, it is the ultimate goal to provide customers with safe and reliable transportation services, and to deliver each package to customers in the best possible manner on time. In order to ensure the safe delivery of products, reasonable packaging plays a vital role. Then, the performance test of the package before transport becomes a key step to achieve reasonable packaging. It is to face the product's own characteristics, as well as the actual circulation environment, to carry out targeted experiments, and constantly improve the product's own characteristics, structure, and the choice of packaging methods, packaging materials, until the packaging approaching JustRight.
For most transporters and companies engaged in transport packaging design, the selection of the ISTA1A test standard allows minimal inspection of package performance. 1A can be used as a starting point to improve packaging design and assess the pros and cons of packaging design. It can determine the main problem of packaging more quickly and effectively. However, as the packaging design gradually matures, it is recommended that the user conduct further tests using the ISTA's general analog performance test standards and make further improvements based on the test results.
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