The use of credit cards is a double-edged sword. Many people forget to repay their money if they are not careful. Even excessive consumption leads to inability to repay. The debt is too heavy. In the end, the problem of credit reporting will be problematic. The mortgage loans will not be able to be loaned. Fines and even legal disputes. What to do if you encounter this situation, steady! Don't panic~ look down
Credit card overdue remedy.
Overdue no more than 20 days
After receiving the bank's overdue notice, if conditions permit, it is recommended to pay the late debts including late fees and full interest, unless it is really economically weak and repayment can be considered to negotiate with the bank to repay the amortization. At the same time, you must call the bank credit card center to indicate that you are not maliciously overdue (the bank has a certain grace period, and the credit is updated, you need to communicate before the bank letter is submitted, so we have to control this time within 20 days. ).
Full repayment
Including the interest payable and the expected penalty interest, this is the optimal solution. Of course, you can also negotiate with the bank to repay the installment, but the status of your credit history is still abnormal during this process, so it is recommended to return it in full unless It is indeed economically weak and unable to repay. Remember, as long as you don't run, don't lose, and are willing to negotiate with the bank, you are still a bank customer, not an enemy.
Two very important dates for credit cards: the billing date and the repayment date must be remembered and used flexibly during the process of using the credit card. Debt paying back, it is natural and reasonable, and find ways to minimize losses.
After repayment, it is necessary to keep this card to continue to use. If the bank has restricted the use of the card, and negotiate with the bank, it will change the meaning of the error and hope to continue using the card. Even if the derating is required, the credit card should be used again. This is really important!
Remember not to sell cards at will
If you sell the card, the credit system will not update the new credit history, then your bad records will be retained. So, continue to use for 24 months, so that good records cover bad records. Don't think that the card will be sold, the bad records will disappear, and the same will exist.
Inability to repay timely instructions
If you are unable to pay on time due to unemployment or illness, you can apply for late repayment and interest discounts by stating your financial situation before the final repayment period and stating that you are not maliciously arrears. Of course, many people who do business can use this method because of the difficulty in temporarily turning over funds.
Forming good consumption habits, timely repayment, and scientific management of your own credit card are the solutions to ensure that you are protected from overdue credit card once and for all.
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