Corrugated carton packaging is moderated - foreign countermeasures

Foreign Control Progress Packaging Initiatives

The main control measures for over-packaging

Many countries in the world have reached a consensus and have gained a lot of experience in controlling the over-packaging phenomenon of “selling a piece of leather”. Experts believe that these experiences can effectively control and reduce packaging waste in our country as a “stone to others”. At present, there are mainly three types of foreign control methods for over-packaging:

The first type is standard: control, that is, set limits for the volume of the package, the gap between the package and the product, the number of packages, the ratio of the package cost to the value of the product, and so on. Such as South Korea, Japan, Canada and other countries. The second category is the control of economic instruments, such as the collection of packaging taxes on non-paper-based packaging and on packaging that does not meet the recycling requirements, such as Belgium. In addition, through the garbage metering charge, consumers are guided to choose a simple package, such as the Netherlands.

The third category is to increase the producer’s responsibility and stipulate that the commodity producer is responsible for recycling the commodity packaging. Usually the depository system can be used to entrust the relevant commercial organization to recycle the packaging. For the convenience of recycling, the producer will actively choose to use less materials and easy to recycle. Packaging design, such as Germany, France and other countries.

In order to reduce the amount and hazard of solid waste production, many countries have begun to extend the production responsibility for the packaging of electrical appliances and other products. That is, producers must not only take responsibility for environmental pollution in the production process, but also need to Used packaging is responsible for recycling or disposal.

Reasonably packaged according to law

In 1991, Germany published the "Regulations on Packaging", which for the first time required legal producers to impose obligations on producers and operators of packaging materials. Regulations have corresponding restrictions on the proportion and the number of layers of goods packaged in the entire product. For example, the empty space in the packaging container must not exceed 20% of the volume of the container, and the gap between the goods and commodities in the packaging container should be less than 1 cm. The clearance of the inner wall should be kept below 5 mm, and the packaging cost should generally be less than 15% of the total cost of the product. Relevant departments also regularly inspect the packaging of goods on the market, reward the reduced-packaged goods, and impose fines on over-packaging.

Japan's "New Packaging Guidelines" clearly stipulates that: Packaging vacancies shall not exceed 20% of the packaging volume, packaging costs shall not exceed 15% of the product sales price, packaging should correctly display the value of the product. This quantitative definition is worth our country's reference.

In order to curb excessive packaging, many countries have specifically formulated relevant packaging regulations, such as the German "Circular Economy Law" and Denmark's "Recycling Container Packaging Act." In addition, the United States, Canada, Singapore, South Korea, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Brazil and other countries and regions have established similar packaging regulations. The European Union has also issued the "Designation of Packaging and Packaging Wastes." The "Cleaner Production Promotion Law" enacted by China in 2002 also made a legal stipulation on curbing excessive packaging: "Enterprises should rationally package their products and reduce the excessive use of packaging materials and the generation of packaging waste."

Collect "green tax"

For external costs of excessive packaging, the relevant government departments can also internalize them by collecting "green taxes." Whether manufacturers or consumers, if they insist on over-packaging, must pay a special tax on the external costs. In this way, the driver of the interests of the manufacturers will inevitably decline, and the irrational purchases of consumers will also converge. For example, Denmark has taken the lead in implementing the "green" tax system in the world. The effect is very obvious.

(to be continued)

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