Color printing is generally four-color overprinting. Under the high-speed rotation of the printing press, overprint errors due to mechanical or operational reasons are inevitable. The presence of overprinting errors creates white gaps between adjacent color patches in prints, that is, leaks. Leakage not only affects the aesthetics of prints, but also causes quality problems and conflicts with customers. Therefore, the trapping and embossing design should be checked before outputting.
Trap, also known as trapping, trapping principle is to create a common color border between colors that have no common color or less common colors. This approach can effectively avoid overprinting errors. The graphic design and layout software in the desktop publishing system generally have trapping functions.
Embossing, also known as overprinting, embodies that the underlying color is not hollowed out, and the color above is superimposed on the background color. Setting overprinting is also an effective means of preventing leaks.
Good design often requires good output. Dogs here are reminded to design colleagues again. Please design carefully and compare them to make them perfect!
Source: Design Workshop
Football artificial grass turf is a surface of synthetic fibers made to look like natural grass. It is most often used in arenas for sports that were originally or are normally played on grass. The main reason is maintenance – artificial turf stands up to heavy use, such as in sports, and requires no irrigation or trimming. An artificial turf football field offers numerous advantages to cities, schools and clubs. First and foremost is the high level of playability. This is because, unlike natural grass, synthetic football fields do not require regeneration phases.
Football Artificial Grass,Artificial Grass Soccer,Artificial Grass Soccer Field,Fake Grass Football Field