General definition:
"On-sight": Do not know the climbing information of this route beforehand, climbed the route for the first time without climbing successfully.
Climbing a route for the first time and not falling, without having been giving any previous information concerning the route.
"Redpoint": Climb the route beforehand and climb the route without a crash by a pioneer.
To successfully climb a route on lead, without falling, after practice or rehearsal of required sequence.
More rigorous definition:
"On-sight": The definition is the same as above.
"Redpoint": The definition is the same as above.
To lead a route, clipping protection as you go, without falling or resting on pro.
"Flash": Define the same as on-sight. You must hang the buckle on your own. You can know the climbing information beforehand (for example, if someone climbs and asks others how to climb).
To climb a route first try without ever having touched the route, but with the aid of beta.
"Pinkpoint": The definition is the same as on-sight. The quick buckle has been hung on the top, just hang the rope into the buckle.
To lead (without falling) a climb that has been pre-protected with anchors rigged with carabiners.
"Hangdogging": In the middle of a climbing route, the rope is used to rest.
"Climbing" a route, usuallying bolt to bolt, with the aid of the rope to hang and rest.
When a leader hangs from a piece of protection to rest, then continues on without lowering back to the ground; not a free ascent.
Eric J. Horst, "How to climb 5.12", 1997
Heather Reynolds Sagar, "Climbing your Best", 2001
John Long, "How to Rock Climb!", 1998
If you have any mistakes or misunderstandings, please don't hesitate to
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