Coffee and tea are popular drinks, and you must pay attention to the brewing of the two drinks. If the brewing method is not correct, it will affect the taste of the coffee. However, can instant coffee be soaked in cold water? Next, Xiaobian will introduce you to everyone:
      Some coffee can be washed with cold water, such as Nestle's iced coffee, but most coffee is best not to use cold water, otherwise the coffee is not easy to dissolve, it is difficult to drink. But it should have no effect on your body, but only affect the taste.
      Can instant coffee be soaked in cold water? Xiaobian's answer is that instant coffee can be soaked in cold water, but the taste may not be very good. In general, the water temperature for brewing coffee is between 88 and 94 degrees Celsius. Avoid using boiling water to brew coffee. After the water is boiled, it is allowed to stand for 1 to 2 minutes and then used to brew coffee.
      Coffee beans contain about 100 different substances, including caffeine, tannic acid, oil and nitrogen compounds, containing caffeine 44-100 mg per 100 g of instant coffee; caffeine per 100 g of brewed coffee. ~124 mg. Coffee is a stimulant that has a lot of effects on the body. It diures, stimulates the central nervous system and respiratory system, enlarges blood vessels, accelerates the heartbeat, strengthens the striated muscles, and relieves brain and muscle fatigue.
      Therefore, for the brewing of coffee and the brewing of tea, do not use cold water, but must use more than 90 degrees of water to ensure the taste of coffee.
      Can instant coffee be soaked in cold water? In order not to affect the taste of the coffee, we still brew at the appropriate temperature, I believe that everyone here has some understanding.
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