Patented automatic cigarette sorting stacking device patented

A few days ago, the Zibo City Tobacco Monopoly Bureau (company) and the Shanghai Oukang Science and Technology Co., Ltd. jointly developed special-shaped cigarette packs for automatic sorting and stacking devices to obtain national utility model patents.

In recent years, sales of shaped cigarettes, especially fine cigarettes, have grown rapidly. At present, the sorting of shaped cigarettes in the industry mainly consists of manual sorting and automatic sorting. The former has the disadvantages of low sorting efficiency, error proneness, etc. The latter has disadvantages such as large occupied space and large investment, and it can be timely and efficient. The sorting of shaped cigarettes can also reduce production and operation costs, and become a subject for commercial enterprises to improve the efficiency and service level of cigarette distribution.

In response to the above problems, the Zibo City Bureau (Company) based on the electronic tag-assisted manual sorting line and the research and development of the fine line cigarette and conventional cigarette collinear sorting system as the subject, set up a QC team, organized and carried out 43 lean activities, which took the time After 10 months of research, the company successfully developed a special-type cigarette packer automatic sorting and stacking device to fill the gap in the application of the collateral screening and stacking device for thin cigarettes and conventional cigarettes in commercial enterprises.

The patent includes a smoke block device, a swing device, a palletizing device and three parts of a total of 14 components, and a hybrid stacking is realized by rewriting a PLC control program in software; in terms of hardware, sorting is performed in the first and second regions. Set up two large-scale storage places and increase a group of logistics shelves to meet the sparse fine-branch storage sites. At the same time, a series of climbing belts and photoelectric sensors were added to the stacking equipment to distinguish the fine cigarettes from the conventional cigarette channels, and the stacking device was improved. This allowed the collinear sorting of fine cigarettes and conventional cigarettes. The collinear packaging effectively solved the problem of large space occupied by the independent cigarette sorting equipment for fine cigarettes, low effective utilization, and direct savings of 1.1 million yuan in acquisition costs.

Since October 2016, since the trial operation of the device, the average sorting efficiency has reached 6,000 articles/hour, reducing the use of 138,800 odd-shaped cigarette packaging bags, and saving packaging expenses by 0.96 million yuan.

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