According to the British "Daily Mail" reported on July 15, the 43-year-old Danish man Henrik spent 18 months and spent 50,000 pounds (about 460,000 yuan) to create the world's longest toy railroad. Created the Guinness World Record. And Henrik’s move was only for the dream of the childhood of 35 years ago.
It is reported that the small train will take 3 hours and 20 minutes to complete the toy rail consisting of 93,000 LEGO railroad sleepers. The whole journey is 2.5 miles (about 4 kilometers). It took more than six hours for the 80 members of the production team to stitch all the sleepers together.
As chief technology officer Henrik from the age of five he started playing Lego, whose private collection of Lego worth up to 125,000 pounds (about 1.16 million yuan). When he cleaned up the room he was about to rent to the exchange student, he had no intention of discovering the previous LEGO track, and he had the idea of ​​building the world's longest toy rail. He is proud of this masterpiece. (Internship Compilation: Xu Nianxia Review: Guo Wenjing)
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