Comprehensive evaluation method for packaging products (2)

2 Comprehensive Evaluation of Production Process 2.1 The quantification of the environmental load is based on the paper mold production process. It can be determined that there are two major types of environmental shadow load types for the paper mold production system, namely global warming and atmospheric acidification. According to the data list and potential factors of different environmental impact categories, the major environmental impact types are quantified. The specific results are shown in Table 2.
2.2 Model construction Considering the characteristics of the production process, it is proposed to use AHP to conduct multi-objective regulation. The data and people's evaluation basis of the problem itself is the information foundation of the AHP. Through these information foundations, the objects to be analyzed are transformed into hierarchical hierarchies. At each level, according to the corresponding requirements of the previous level, team-by-team comparisons are performed on the level elements and quantified according to the specified scales to form a judgment matrix. On the basis of the judgment matrix, the calculation is the weight of the order of importance of the elements associated with this level matrix for its previous level. When constructing a judgment matrix, inconsistencies in understanding are unavoidable. In order to consider whether the results obtained by the analytic hierarchy process are basically reasonable, it is necessary to check the consistency of the judgment matrix. The results obtained after inspection can be considered as feasible.
Table 2 Environmental Impact Load Statistics for Paper Mold Production System

Project No.1 Paper Mould Factory Second Paper Mould Factory Weight (t/a) EB Weight (t/a) EB Global Warming NOx 1.03741.4834.928197.12CO0.1330.3990.5251.575CO21381.4231381.4231512.1811512.181 Atmospheric Acidification SO21.7731.77322.50322.503 NO20.1150.0810.5480.384

2.3 Assignment and Analysis When judging the relative importance of elements in a hierarchy, qualitative and quantitative analysis methods are used, which include both the scores given by experts based on their knowledge and experience, as well as the scores determined based on numerical comparisons. Constructing various types of judgment matrices from these two types of scores. When analyzing the research object(s), it included nine impact factors (M) such as investment amount, operation fee, energy consumption, pass rate, acidification, global warming, waste treatment, noise, and sensitive points. A total of three indicators (p) are provided at the highest level of comprehensive benefits: economic benefits, technical performance, and environmental benefits. If the problem of environmental benefits is highlighted in the survey, then the scale value should be assigned the highest of the three, and the construction judgment matrix is ​​as follows:
Judgment matrix A-P


The normalization of each column of the judgment matrix is ​​as follows:

┌0.111 0.077 0.130┐
│0.333 0.231 0.217│
└ 0.556 0.692 0.652 ┘

The resulting vector =[0.318,0.781,1.900]T, normalize it, then find the eigenvector W=[0.106,0.261,0.634]T.
Calculate the maximum eigenvalue λmax of the judgment matrix:

From this, the maximum eigenvalue of the AP matrix is ​​λmax = 3.036, and the corresponding eigenvector W = [0.106, 0.261, 0.6347]T, where 3 components are the weights of the 3 elements P1, P2, and P3 in the criterion layer P. value. Consistency check CR=CI/RI0.035<0.1, that is, the weights in W can be applied. Then the judgment matrix Pn-M and Mn-S are constructed, and the maximum eigenvalue and eigenvector are also calculated, and the consistency check is performed.
Through the above operations, hierarchical single-level sorting, hierarchical one-level total sorting, and hierarchical two-level total sorting are completed. The hierarchical total ranking results are shown in Table 3.
Table 3 Level 2 total sort

SM level S total sorting power plant M1M2M3M4M5M6M7M8M90.0880.0180.0440.2170.1080.3110.1590.0210.039

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