On the evening of September 10, 2017 (Beijing time, September 11th), the American Printing Award, known as the "Oscar" of the global printing industry, came to an end in Chicago. Chinese companies performed outstandingly in this year's grand prize, and the total number of winning prizes ranked the world's No. Second, it is second only to host America.
As the Chinese company with the highest number of awards, the Yachang Cultural Group has won a total of 37 awards, including one from "Escapism Bill Bensley," and the highest honor of the "Grand Prize," which is also For the fifth consecutive year, Yachang has won the grand prize of the "Grand Prize" and has become the largest printing company in the world in the past five years. It has won China's honor in this world's most weightful printing ceremony, and it has been printed in the East. Art has won back world recognition and respect in the international arena.
"Escapism Bill Bensley" Receives Grand Prize in American Printing Award
This year, a total of four books from Yachang won the Benny Gold Award. They are "The Cold Glacier", "Yuan Ming Wei Zi - China's Ming and Qing Dalbergia Furniture," "Reincarnation" and "Escapism Bill Bensley". ). Since its participation in the United States Printing Awards in 2002, Yachang has won the reputation of printing in the world for 12 times. He has won 65 Benny Gold Awards and created a record for the champions of printing companies in this top international event with a history of 68 years.
As an integrated art service agency dedicated to the integration of art and technology, Yachang has built its artistic dreams with its craftsmanship for more than 20 years. Nowadays, in the era of technology, Yachang will rely on the inexhaustible innovation power and the heart of change that is eager to break through, with its advanced manufacturing processes and equipment, innovative digital technologies and rich resources in the art field to realize “Smart Creation Yachang†and “Wisdomâ€. The strategic goals of "Yachang" and "Cultural Yachang" are to create the Art Bay area of ​​Yachang for the people's arts service, bringing a wonderful experience of "Ingenuity + Art + Technology" to the art field.
Note: The U.S. Print Awards, sponsored by the U.S. Printing Federation, is the oldest and largest book printing design competition in the world's printing industry. Since its inception in 1950, it has been held 68 times. Its highest honor is Benny. The Benny Award is named after Benjamin Franklin, an inventor who has revolutionized the printing industry in the United States. This year, more than 3,000 companies from all over the world participated in the event, and finally selected the most exquisite, creative, and artistically-influenced book design work.
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