While many printing companies have obtained ISO 9000 Quality Assurance, the quality management of "6 Sigma" has been proposed in recent years. Many multinational companies have adopted this quality management concept and require their suppliers to provide such guarantees. According to the “Publishing Weekly†report, the US printing industry had already opened a related meeting yesterday afternoon. Some large printing companies, such as RR. Ronaldley, have already made relevant attempts. It is believed that this trend will affect Hong Kong in the next two years.
I) History of "6 Sigma"
In the 70`s era, Motorola faced Japan's severe challenges. Its chairman, Bob Galvin, decided to improve his quality to meet Japan's high quality challenges. In 1981, he demanded that his product must be improved 10 times in five years. In 1987, Motorola established the concept of "6 Sigma." Based on the principle of statistics, "6 Sigma" represents a quality pass rate of 99.9997% or more. In other words, there are only 3.4 defectives per million products, which is very close to the requirement of “zero defectsâ€. The "6 Sigma" plan calls for continuous improvement of products, quality, and services. They have set goals, tools, and methods to meet the goals and Total Customer Satisfaction requirements. In the process, they provided experienced engineers and consultants for the Black Belt and Green Belt to implement the entire program and become pioneers in quality improvement.
Motorola's "Seven-Step Method", "Continuous Improvement" and "Total Customer Satisfaction" are based on TQM (Total Quality Management Concept). They proposed a new design culture, simplified production steps, used robotic arms, general-purpose networks, etc. to achieve their 5 "nine" (99.999%) quality requirements. In 1989, Motorola successfully won the "Motorola Baldnige National Quality Award". In 1989, Bob Galvin proposed another tenfold quality improvement request and completed it in 1991. Since 1981, Motorola has recorded 1000 times (1000:1) quality improvement. Other companies, such as Boeing, Caterpllar, Corning, General Electric, Digital Equipment, and IBM, have adopted the "6 Sigma" approach to improve quality.
One of Motorola's achievements is to increase the quality requirements of the previous "3 Sigma" (qualified rate of 99.73%) to "6 Sigma." They changed the percentage of traditional pass ratios to one million or hundreds of millions.
II) What is "6 Sigma"
a) Explanation of Sigma
The definition of "Sigma" is based on the theory of Russian mathematician PLChebyshtv (1821-1894). According to his calculations, if there is a 68% pass rate, it is ± 1 Sigma (or Standard Steviation), ± 2 Sigma has a 95% pass rate, and ± 3 Sigma reaches a pass rate of 99.73%.
(%) Defective per Million Opportunity DPMO (Defect per Million
Opportunities) Sigma
Quality Standards
In Periods6.689332000 8.4559154500.125 10.568944000.25 13.038697000.375 15.878413000.5 19.088092000.625 22.667734000.75 26.5957340500.875 30.856915001 35.4356456501.125 40.135987001.25 45.0255497501.375 505000001.5 54.9754502501.625 59.874013001.75 64.5653543501.875 69.1530850021970s73.4052659502.125 77.342266002 .25 80.921908002.375 84.131587002.5 86.971303002.625 89.441056002.75 91.545845502.875 93.326680031980s94.79521003.125 95.99401003.25 96.96304003.375 97.73227003.5 98.32168003.625 98.78122003.75 99.1288003.875 99.3862004Early 1990s99.56543504.125 99.730004.25 99.79520504.375 98.8713004.5 99.919004.625 99.946004.75 99.96400
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