It is well-known that etiquette penetrates all aspects of our lives. There are rituals and norms in traditional customs, social etiquette and etiquette in others, job interviews require etiquette, and even dinning tables have etiquette. But do you know? We also have etiquette for outdoor trekking. Here are the walking etiquette from the English Wikipedia hiking entry to share with you. I hope that my friends will pay more attention when they are on foot and be a qualified outdoor person!
Hiking etiquette

Trekking is an entertainment activity and hikers are looking for happiness. Sometimes trekkers interfere with each other or disturb the purity of locals. Therefore, there are some simple basic etiquette for hiking etiquette, such as:
1 The mountainous team meets on the narrow road, and the top of the mountain is preferred.

2 If you have to walk on your own pace, you may be forced to hike at a speed that is faster or slower than you naturally would. It will feel uncomfortable and hard to last. More importantly, going too fast can lead to fatigue and exhaustion, or to injury. If a team is divided into two groups, the slow ones will be left behind or even lost. One common practice is to encourage the slowest one to take the lead so that the whole team can move forward at his speed. Another common practice is that experienced players take the end of the team to ensure the safety of the team and no one is in trouble.

3 Trekking is mainly for enjoying a peaceful and natural environment. Therefore, creating a big movement, such as yelling, speaking loudly, or using a mobile phone, will disturb the peace of others. However, making noise in some large animals, especially predators (such as bears), is a necessary safety warning.

4 Take away rubbish, leave no trace, try not to disturb flowers, grass, insects, birds and birds.
What are the functions of face powder?
1. Make up is lasting. This is its most basic function, and it is also the most recognized and familiar function, because if you do not fix makeup, it is easy to spend makeup, and will also take off makeup. With powder powder, these problems will be solved.
2. Concealer. Loose powder also has a concealer effect, which can block the defects on the face that cannot be covered by liquid foundation or air cushion. It also has the function of hiding large pores. If there are prominent pores or blackheads, it can be solved by powder dispersion.
3. Absorb oil and brighten skin. The powder has a strong adsorption effect on oil. Whether it is applied on the face or hair, it can ensure the dryness of the skin and hair, without worrying about too bright oil. And its brightening effect on skin color is obvious.
Face Powder,Makeup Setting Powder,Loose Setting Powder
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