Ecovio® biodegradable plastic

Ecovio ® is BASF's premium quality bioplastic for a wide range of applications. Its main advantages are: compostability is certified; it is biodegradable in soil; it contains bio-based components. Applications related to ecovio ® films include shopping bags, organic trash bags, and agricultural mulch films. These products have excellent mechanical properties and are tear-resistant, moisture-proof, printable, and elastic. More importantly, their biodegradability in soil is certified by an authoritative organization and will not cause white pollution, thus helping China Circular economy, creating a sustainable future.

(The packaging team of BASF (China) Co., Ltd. Zhao Yan reporter Min Weimin))

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American Style GN Pan

American Style Gn Pan,Gastronorm Trays With Lids,Stainless Steel Gastronorm,Ss Gn Pan

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