The salt spray test chamber evaluates the ability of the material and its protective layer to be corroded by salt spray, and compares the process quality of similar protective layers, and at the same time can evaluate the ability of some products to resist salt spray corrosion; Salt spray corrosion test of components, metal materials and industrial products. However, in the daily test, the climate of the salt spray test chamber is also certain, as follows:
The standard climate simulated by the salt spray test chamber is a constant climate with a specified temperature and air humidity, a limited range of air pressure and air velocity, and no major additional components and radiation effects. The standard climate may obtain and maintain objects that are sensitive to temperature and humidity In a particular state. The standard climate corresponds to the average climate conditions of the salt spray test chamber and may also be adjusted in the test chamber.
The standard climate with an air temperature of 23 degrees, a relative air humidity of 50% (23/50) and a limit deviation according to the accuracy class is marked as: Standard climate (Normalklima) DIN 50 014-23 / 50-1
In the process of adjusting to the standard climate of the salt spray test chamber, it should be noted that the object corresponds to its state, and the size and physical and chemical properties require sufficient storage duration to achieve its equilibrium state. Need to consider the lag-the process and use of corresponding material inspection standards.
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