Appendix 10 GB6547-1998 "Determination of the thickness of corrugated board"


This standard is equivalent to using ISO3034:1991 "Corrugated cardboard - Determination of thickness."
This standard is a revised version of GB6547-86 "Corrugated board thickness measurement method".
This standard is based on GB/T 1.1-1993 "Standardization Work Guide, Part 1: Drafting of the Standards and Part 1 of the Rules: Preparation of Standards".
This standard replaces GB6547-86 from the date of implementation.
This standard was proposed by China Light Industry Association.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Paper Industry Standardization Technical Committee.
This standard was drafted by: China Pulp and Paper Industry Research Institute.
The main drafters of this standard: Li Lanfen and Zhang Shaoling.

The national standard for the determination of the thickness of corrugated board of the People's Republic of China GB/T 6547-1998
Eqv ISO3034:1991
Corrugated fibreboard Determination of thickness instead of GB6547-86

1 Scope This standard specifies the method for measuring the thickness of corrugated board. These corrugated z plates are used to make boxes or used in boxes.
This standard applies to the determination of the thickness of various types of corrugated board.
2 Reference Standards The following standards contain provisions that, through reference in this standard, constitute provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards will be revised and all parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards.
Standard GB 450-89 paper and paperboard samples taken in the standard atmosphere of GB 10739-89 pulp, paper and paperboard sample handling and testing
3 Test principle The distance between two parallel planes of the thickness gauge under the specified pressure of the corrugated cardboard specimen.
4 The test instrument thickness meter has a circular chassis and a columnar axial movement plane concentric with the chassis, and the contact area of ​​the chassis and the movable plane is (10±0.2) cm2. The non-parallelism between the measurement planes shall be Within 1/1000 of the diameter of the circular chassis.
The pressure exerted by the columnar plane of motion is (20 ± 0.5) kpa. The instrument is accurate enough that the measured data is accurate to 0.05mm.
5 Sample taking, processing and preparation
5.1 The sample is taken according to GB450
5.2 sample processing according to GB10739.
5.3 Preparation of the sample: Select a large enough corrugated cardboard to be tested and cut a sample with an area of ​​500cm2 (200mm x 250mm) to ensure that 10 valid data are read. Do not cut more than 2 samples from the same sample. Samples shall not have any damage or other irregularities on the sample, unless otherwise agreed by the parties concerned, they shall not be traces of organic processing.
6 Test Procedures Tests were conducted under the atmospheric conditions specified in Chapter 5. Each sample was measured twice at different points.
Place the specimen horizontally between the two planes of the instrument. The minimum distance between the edge of the specimen and the edge of the circular chassis shall not be less than 50 mm. The plane of motion shall be gently measured at a speed of 2-3 mm/min. Press on the specimen to avoid any impact and ensure that the specimen is parallel to the thickness gauge's measurement plane. When the indication is stable, but before the cardboard is "collapsed" before reading. Do not press your hand on the instrument or the test strip while reading. Repeat the above steps to test the remaining four specimens.
7 Test report The test report includes the following:
a. The number of this standard;
b. date and place of the test;
c. The type and description of the sample to be tested;
d. Atmospheric conditions of the test;
e. Report the average of all measured values, in millimeters, accurate to 0.05mm;
f. Calculate its standard deviation (at 95% confidence);
g. Analysis of measurement errors;
h. Other instructions related to the test results.

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